The visibility platform for your no-code stack

Operator calms the chaos by giving you a single-pane of glass view of your no-code stack. No more crossing your fingers as no code scales across departments.

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Document your no-code automations, automatically.

Operator automatically documents your no-code automations and maps all the dependencies they create across the fields and apps in your stack.

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*Airtable Automations and Make integrations in development
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and more coming soon!

Your manual documentation is out of date the moment you create it.

You’re maintaining a spreadsheet to track the dependencies of each automation.

You’re using wiki-style documentation to explain how automations relate to larger processes.

You’re creating flow charts to see how multiple processes relate to your operations as a whole.

Operator ensures you always have a clear picture of your automations from end to end.

Automation Tracking

Let us automatically keep track of your automations.

Never again have to worry about updating spreadsheets and wiki-docs.  We keep track of every change and update across all your favorite automation platforms like Zapier and Make.

Automated Dependency Mapping

Always know how every endpoint impacts an automation.

Our automated dependency mapping tracks all the connecting points of an automation along with everything an automation relies on to function correctly — including tables and fields.

Multi-Automation Process Mapping

See how multiple automations fit together into a complete process.

Our Processes feature enables you to see the bigger picture of your automation workflows — Letting you visualize how multiple automations, manual steps, and people form larger processes.

Plus powerful observability features

Unified Change Log

See every change and error across all of your automations in one place.

Customizable Error Notifications

Create alerts that go to the right person or team upon relevant errors.

Context-Rich Debugging

Understand what broke and why, so you can fix errors faster than ever before.

Process-Level Monitoring

Monitor changes and errors across connected automations.

Before Operator, we were flying by the seat of our pants when it came to managing our no-code automations. We just didn’t have a good way of keeping track of how everything was interconnected. And when something broke, we would essentially have to start from square one to troubleshoot. Now, we’re able to get a clear picture of our no-code setup. We can debug faster, and even prevent issues before they become problems. And best of all, it automatically keeps track of everything for us!

Andy DeBoer
Senior Sales Ops Analyst

It's time to add documentation to the list of things you've automated.